Application Period for 2020/2021 Fall Term 23 March – 10 April 2020

Master of Arts in Social Policy

The Master of Arts in Social Policy is an interdisciplinary social science master’s program which introduces students to the study of social and economic dynamics that engenders poverty and inequality and social policies in a historically grounded and comparative perspective. The study of social policy draws on social science disciplines including history, economics, politics, sociology, social work, public health and anthropology. 

The Master of Arts in Social Policy at Boğaziçi University draws its strength from the legacy of excellence in social policy research of the Social Policy Forum (SPF) which was founded in January 2004 as a university research and policy center with the objective of generating critical knowledge pertaining to the main issues of social policy. 

The Master of Arts in Social Policy aims to encourage students for further study towards a Ph.D. degree and a subsequent career in the academia as well as equip them with necessary skills to pursue a career in public services, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

All candidates for the Master of Arts degree in Social Policy are required to write a thesis and defend it.

There are no tuition fees for students who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey. The university offers limited opportunities of student accommodation. 

Contact information
Boğaziçi University 
M.A. Program in Social Policy
T: 00 90 212 359 75 64
F: 00 90 212 287 17 28